Dr. Moseman Receives
2012-2013 Academic Mentor Award!
Dr. Cindy Moseman, Assistant Professor of Family & Consumer Sciences Education, has been recognized with Ashland University's Board of Trustees Annual Academic Mentor Award for 2012-2013. Dr. Moseman was nominated by Jessie Bates, a senior majoring in Child & Family Studies. Dr. Moseman received her award on Friday, February 1.
“Dr. Moseman is not only a mentor of mine, but she is also a role-model and supportive adult figure in my life. I have had many obstacles to overcome the last four years, but Dr. Moseman has been by my side throughout it all. She has supported me academically and personally in more ways than I could ever explain. With her guidance and encouragement over the last four years, I have become more than I ever thought I could be. I start getting emotional when I reflect on how my mentor relationship with Dr. Moseman has enhanced my personal development. Dr. Moseman has had a tremendous impact on my transformation into the woman I am today. Over the last three years, I have repeatedly gone to Dr. Moseman when I have been stressed, when I have had a bad day, and when I just needed someone to talk to. No matter how busy of a day she is having, Dr. Moseman always drops what she is doing and lets me vent. She has always gone above and beyond for me, as well as for my family. My mentor relationship with Dr. Moseman is one that I will forever remember and cherish.”